Collective2 Badge

Can the C2 rating badge be used as an affiliate link?

Not currently. But we are reworking the badge system and will release an improved version shortly.

Has there been any change with the badge system, I can’t seem to find it on the site?


Chad [LINKSYSTEM_53593810]

So about this question… [LINKSYSTEM_53717811]


I could sit around an complain about having no subscribers (like some people on this site) or I could do some marketing myself?

I decided to do the latter… Since I already run my own website, I thought it might be a smart idea to do some advertising for my C2 system on it as well. In the days of this twitter/linkedin/facebook I thought it might be a good idea to find some code that would create a real time chart/badge/widget or something of the nature for my website. Maybe a real time widget…? But I can’t seem to get any assistance in this matter. I guess if I just sit around and complain that I have no subscribers and ask obvious questions, then I might get some more attention?



Hi, Chad:

The dynamic badge info can be found by going to the ADMIN button on your system page, then selecting "C2 Score."

We’ll be adding new badges soon, but the one that is currently there looks pretty decent.

Hope this helps!


Hi Chad, I also have this same course of action on my to-do list but have been very slow with it!

Although this is not officially supported, you can link to the live C2 chart - yours would be the following:

