Collective2 has open-sourced its strategy statistics

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Do you like statistics about Collective2 trading strategies?

Well then, we have good news. We’ve created an open-source repository on github where you can see some of our Quant Team’s analysis of C2 data. (You can start here.)

Please check it out, and tell us what you think.


Wow this is really cool!

1 Like

Thank you very much for your effort MatthewKlein :+1:

add sorting by p/l % stats

@MatthewKlein ,

Do you think the strategy statistics is really useful to the investors or only help you to create “new big stars” to attract more clients to Collective 2?

Thanks, really good idea.

Any chance for CSV version of raw stats for those of us who want easier exporting? Thanks for any guidance.


I want to know whether the data is clean. Is there survivorship bias?

We include all data from any strategy that was ever officially offered to the public, including defunct strategies no longer supported. There is no survivorship bias.

Also, we’ll be announcing soon new ways to access C2 data.