Yes, always listening always understanding!
He might have 60-70 subscriber combine of 3 strategy maybe. He was charging $500 per sub. I’m not actually surprised he got 50+ subs. He had some promotions and few forum post discussing his strategy. Still remember a few calling him one of the best manager c2 ever had. (Yes I’m still bitter about it)
Back to the OP, c2 will always be here. Now is 50/50, maybe next yr is 40/60. 30/70 is prob where they end up and like most brokerage firms.
From a business standpoint C2 has to change its model as Mathew has said it is not greed that the prices have increased.
I don’t think C2 is sustainable currently so Mathew needs to come up with a different business model or there has to be more price increases such as charging for quarterly or yearly fees.
Hi, Algo -
No, we wont be changing anything in the business model any time in the foreseeable future. But I appreciate that you took time to make these suggestions.
This sounds beautiful, but you have it upside down.
There is clearly no “we”. There is “we”, your paying customers, and there is “you”, who collects $$ from us, makes arbitrary decisions, affecting product features, not only without caring, collecting any feedback from us, but also mostly announcing them with little warning, giving us inadequate time to prepare and completely ignoring our complaints (that we give in retrospect as you never ask us ahead of time.)
There is no (or shouldn’t be) room for disagreement. Your paying customers (“we”) are by definition always right, your (misguided) philosophies notwithstanding.
I haven’t seen anybody from “we” supporting / liking / demanding your product decision
++ to let developers assume arbitrary number of identities;
++ to let systems go private/public arbitrary number of times;
++ to let systems play the bid/ask spread game.
These are just some very recent examples, where the “vibrant community” spoke with a totally unified voice and your attitude was that “you are all wrong, I am alone right, and I can do anything I want, go FY.” Oh, and btw, thank you for your comments. Right. “We” didn’t ask you to thank us for our comments. “We” asked you to implement / change a feature. And when you alone “disagreed” “we” suspected that your motivation was greed. Plain and simple. You assured us that this was not the case, this is only a honest disagreement between ALL of us and you, alone.
Prove it!
Well stated - while the tone of your post is a bit harsh the issues you raise are exactly on point.
Jozsika - I appreciate all your very helpful feedback. I’ll make sure your feedback, and feedback from other vocal members of this forum, is part of what I use to make decisions about how to continuously improve C2. Of course, I’m not going to always agree with you, but I do promise to read your helpful suggestions, and take them into consideration. Thank you! - Matthew
Jozsika wrote:
There you go again thanking him for his comments! This is a typical response from the cable company or a politician, but everyone is hoping for a real response from you! Long term trade leaders like David Juday and Robert Petersen have weighed in and are still largely being ignored in substance.
If a friend brought a couple of unruly children to your home running amok, destroying things, would you choose to ignore it in the name of “freedom”? That is what scammers do to C2. Is it some ideal of freedom that is really at play here or are they an important part of C2 revenue?
What are you really thinking and planning to do (or not do) about the three issues which Joszika stated so well:
I haven’t seen anybody from “we” supporting / liking / demanding your product decision
++ to let developers assume arbitrary number of identities;
++ to let systems go private/public arbitrary number of times;
++ to let systems play the bid/ask spread game.
Do you really hope to hear the answer? With all my respect, C2 exists 10 or 15 years doing the same business. And the forum anonymous requesting report from them?
With all respect, I am afraid you totally misunderstood Matthew’s response. He is a very smart person and he understood it perfectly well, that (some of) the real issues are that
(1) this is a fake agreement/disagreement as long as one person’s (his) so called “disagreement” overrides everybody else’s unified agreement and
(2) instead of thanking the complaints after the fact, without any intention whatsoever to listen, an honest service would ask for feedback before implementing (or as the case may be un-implementing) a feature.
Again: I can assure you he doesn’t suffer from dyslexia and he understands the raised issues real well.
The fact that he actually repeated the offending and offensive phrases is a rather clear, intentionally very thinly disguised (paraphrased?) response: “go and FY, dear vibrant community!”
Would you consider dropping the fee back to 30% for Tradeleaders who produce a solid 6 months (or longer) track record, based on some minimums, eg., low margin, maximum drawdown, and better than S&P bench by at least 10%. This would motivate the better medium-longer term thinking strategy developers to build a qualitative element to C2?
This would certainly motivate me (and I am sure many other TL’s) to share their methods on C2, with a reasonable level of compensation. The 50% comm can apply as a default, so C2 cannot lose. It is a win-win, and gets us to work hard on qualitative strats. Please have a think on this. Thanks.
Personally I second that…
In my opinion, at this moment we must concentrate on maintaining the strength of C2 and seek more investors to participate in this platform. This is still a very small business. We must all contribute so that investors and traders earn a lot of money. I think that for the moment, we are taking the first steps.
which is other social platform?
It’s against the terms to write other platform names in the forums so no one can answer. But if you’re interested you will find a comprehensive list of social trading platforms within 20 minutes thanks to google. Don’t be overly excited though, I’ve done some research a week ago and the result is devastating. Compared to 2 years ago almost every plattform lost customers and it looks like this space is slowly dying. Which isn’t surprising if you consider that the vast majority of signal providers are scam artists or just have a lucky streak/overoptimized system. Plus most Investors are uneducated about trading, portfolio building, risk control and behavioral investing which is probably the worse problem.
You find some decent strategies here.