EOD Long only search

Does anyone have any suggestions on filtering for End of Day (EOD) as well as long only (suitable for IRA and someone who can’t be at the terminal all the time)?



For the IRA, the 3 day rule may apply so what about using autotrade and only using a percentage of what is in the account. Normally if the system only uses say 70% of the total in the account, it is not likely to run into problems.

I have a 401k that is tied to a broker, unable to autotrade. I thought that C2 might have a filter but can’t really find one. Just have to muddle through them all


I had that same problem of finding long only systems. You can try to search the name for long or long only but the naming convention is up to the designer’s discretion. I had a long only system in the past and I am just starting a new one, both systems had the “long” phase in the name, but not sure if it really helps anyone.

I use the grid to filter stock systems. If you look for good systems (drawdows, number of trades and so on) perhaps you will get some EOD and easy to trade.

I have a few years in C2 and it´s difficult to find a good and long only system.

I suggest you to take a look to Nine Queens.

J P Investments