For sale: C2 data CD

With permission from C2, I have prepared a CD that contains all trade-level data for all systems shown on C2, in ascii (.csv) format. This means the data can be easily imported in e.g. Excel in a second, and copying and pasting data by hand is no longer necessary.

The CD is auctioned on Ebay:

and by clicking the link you will get the full details on the data format.

For those that like to analyze the trade-level data of C2 systems, this CD can save a lot of manual "copy and paste" work. All the data come straight from this website and should duplicate the "Positions details" - "closed positions" data exactly.

Depending on the amount of interest, I might make this a permanent service, and perhaps include additional data, such as daily returns.

Any feedback is appreciated!

Privacy policy for a bidder?


Good point. I have made it a private auction, and won’t disclose the identity of bidders here on C2 or elsewhere.

Would you mind to add it to a description of the bid?



I have added the following phrase to the item description: “Please note that this is a private auction and bidders’ identities will be kept entirely secret.”

"the data are current as of March 31, 2007"

Can I get this tonight via email so I can see how the scalping systems did between now and end-of-day Friday of this week? I think I could make good use of such data!

Deal. :wink: I’m very lazy to collect the info from C2, so it worth something for me. I have no idea about others.



Unfortunately, I can’t send anything right now. However, I know Jules has announced a download tool to download the data for individual systems directly from the C2 site for a small fee. Maybe that could be of help in the short run. I understand he has a beta version up and running so maybe he’ll allow you to be a beta tester.

>> “the data are current as of March 31, 2007”

>> Can I get this tonight [March 27th]


Unfortunately, I can’t send anything right now.

Science Trader,

I think Randy is being sarcastic…BTW, if you can get next week’s

Wall Street Journals this week, please Pmail (name your price).

Thanks a million,


ah, now I see : ) : )

I’m not sarcastic. So far the price is cheap. If you want you can waste your time for development a tool. For me it’s cheaper to buy at current price at current moment instead of doing anything else.

And Sam You’re so boring with your gurus BS.

> I’m not sarcastic.

Agreed (I wasn’t talking to you).

> I’m not sarcastic.

Agreed again, you are an idiot.

> So far the price is cheap.

VERY CHEAP! I am total agreement again!

> If you want you can waste your time…

Not at all. Time…is my side, yes it is!

>Agreed (I wasn’t talking to you).

And you weren’t talking for yourself. Your usual BS of forum’s guru.

>Agreed again, you are an idiot.

Probably. It’s hard to argue with BS guru.

"A monkey is sitting in a tree smoking a joint when a lizard walks past and looks up and says to the monkey "Hey! What are you doing?"

The monkey says "Smoking a joint, come up and have some."

So the lizard climbs up and sits next to the monkey and they share a joint. After a while the lizard says his mouth is dry and is going to get a drink from the river.

The lizard climbs down the tree, walks thru the jungle to the river and leans over the river to get his drink. The lizard is so stoned that he leans too far over and falls into the river.

A Crocodile sees this and swims over to the lizard and helps him to the side, then asks the lizard, "What’s the matter with you?“

The lizard explains to the crocodile that he was sitting smoking a joint with a monkey in a tree, got too stoned and then fell into the river while taking a drink.

The crocodile says he has to check this out and walks into the jungle, finds the tree where the monkey is sitting, finishing a joint. He looks up and says “Hey you!”

“Duuuuuuuuuude!” the Monkey says when he looks down. “How much water did you drink?!”” ©

>VERY CHEAP! I am total agreement again!

Most of my system are based on buying very cheap. And selling to BS idio… sorry gurus. I don’t see anything wrong in the strategies so far.

>Time…is my side, yes it is!

BS again. You’re simple trading forum parasite. Period.


>>Agreed (I wasn’t talking to you).

> And you weren’t talking for yourself. Your usual BS of forum’s guru.

Um, no. I was talking to Science Trader. He understood. He got it. Maybe he has the patience to explain it to you. I’m tired of idiots like you and the feeble minded flatulence that spews from your


>>Science Trader (C2 Rating: 235) My Analyst page for Science Trader

When: 3/27/07 (21:11)

> In response to post by Sam Cook of 3/27/07 (21:05)

>> “the data are current as of March 31, 2007”

>> Can I get this tonight [March 27th]

See entire

ah, now I see : ) : )

Yes, I can use some people for beta-testing a downloader. It runs on Windows only and uses Excel 2002 and IE. See

I will attend a conference on Thursday and Friday, so there will be delays in my response.