A few test system suggestions

Hello Matthew, and my fellow C2 counterparts… I hope everyone is having a nice weekend… A few ideas I had for the brains and powers that be that run this marvelous web site we have come to know and love as C2. :slight_smile:

In regards to a "test system" … It would be nice to toggle a test system to make it publically available (viewable) or not as a vendor wishes without having it be exclusively private.

It would also be nice to take a "snap shot" of a test system to make the stats permanent before the trades were erased and be able to have the option to make this data publically viewable.

Reasoning … I am building a test system with trades that I will likely want to make publically available / viewable after a sufficient period of time has passed to make the data somewhat viable / meaningful. (90 days as an example).

I could just as easily take the stats to build into a web site by taking screen shots I imagine, but I thought these suggestions may make nice additions to the capacity of the C2 site, thus I pass my thoughts along for review / comment.


"Reasoning … I am building a test system with trades that I will likely want to make publically available / viewable after a sufficient period of time has passed to make the data somewhat viable / meaningful. (90 days as an example). "

Test system data is never meaningful. Why? Because you always know that if the results aren’t what you want then you erase and start over again. It would be very misleading to portray test data as anything else and therefore should be kept private.

Agreed. Given that people can generate an endless supply of test systems, and turn on ones that they prefer to be visible, this is not a good idea.

That is why I requested earlier, that killed systems also be visible. Cherry picking is too tempting, for someone seeking subscriber $$$.

C2 is about full sunlight, exposing everything that a vendor does. I have thought it amusing, when a few vendors (in the past) had the nerve to say “You shouldn’t consider my other systems, but each on its own merits.”

I respectfully disagree with you two. We are not discussing cherry pick of data here. The data is the data. I can’t change what the data is. I thought having a test system run for 90 days based upon what a real system would be would show my due diligence, but from you two guys point of view, it sounds like it wouldn’t matter, because I could somehow “cherry pick” what the data is … The trades are going to be what the trades are going to be… I can’t force good data vs bad data. It is just a waste of time to run a test or any system for testing, to then have to start over, or not have the data available to show the public.

Aspire Trader - you can’t change what the data is but you can select what you want to show potential subscribers. This is why it is cherry picking. You may think the current setup is wasting time but it isn’t.


Mr. Gilbert A is running something like 7 freebie systems now. He has already tried to kill off 3 that collapsed, but they still show on his record.

You think you are not cherry-picking, but that is because you are not really understanding the whole story.

The desire of signal sellers is to attract subscribers. Giving them the option of toggling a system or systems, means they can shut off the bad ones and display the good ones. There are many implications that go along with this. And that is exactly what they will do. Potential subs will not see the bad systems when they think about subscribing to a system. This is cherry picking.

Please try to comtemplate what this means. If you disagree, you need to read these posts again.