Foreign stock exchanges

Is there a web page on the C2 site with the list of supported foreign stock exchanges and the associated abbreviations used by C2? I couldn’t find one. For example, one of the systems I subscribe to issued an order for TSX.GCE this morning, which I figure is the Toronto Stock exchange.

Also, the futures symbology webpage can be found via google but I don’t see it linked from anywhere (other than forum posts).


The foreign stock exchanges are in the FAQ:

Short summary of FAQ page: = Toronto Stock Exchange = London Stock Exchange = Australian Stock Exchange = Deutsche Borse (German stock exchange)

The C2 futures symbology page ( is reachable via the System Vendor’s Order Entry Screen, but you are right that it is not found easily for other, non-order-entering users. I think the theory was that only system vendors need to look up the symbols. Everyone else can just click the EXPLAIN SYMBOLS blue button, just above the “Close Trade” list on any system page, and it will explain what each symbol is.

But you’re right; we should probably include a link to the Futures Symbology page on the FAQ, as well.
