New exchanges


here is one suggestion. Why don’t you give access to all european and Japanese stock markets for system developpers. There would be a lot of additonal systems on C2 and would increase the available offer.

Hi, Antonio:

We are looking into supporting the Japanese market, but it really only makes sense if we can partner with a Japanese broker to support C2 AutoTrading. And there, I’m afraid, is the problem, since the Japanese regulatory environment is very uncertain at this time with regards to AutoTrading, with some attorneys interpreting their rather opaque regulations to mean that it is entirely prohibited. We are waiting for greater clarity there.

Regarding Europe:

We do currently support the following stock exchanges:
London Stock Exchange (start your C2 trade-entry symbols with LSE. - that is LSE dot )
German (prefix with GE. or XETRA.)
MEFF (prefix with MEFF)

On the non-European side, we support Australia (ASX.) and Toronto (TSX.)

Even so, our support for the non-USA stock markets has been in a more or less permanent beta-test state, until we get a critical amount of confidence in our handling of these instruments. I welcome yours and other users’ feedback regarding your experience using C2 with these non-US stock exchanges.