Gainers / Losers this week

Hi there,

congrats to the new site !!

I would suggest the following change: You display the “Gainers this week” and the “Losers this week”. This is a pretty meaningless statistic, IMHO.

Who needs to know this?

I’d suggest the following statistics:

1. Most profitable system over the last 12 months

2. The most CONSISTENT profitable system (12 months)

3. Best system since inception (minimum 12 months).

This will re-focus attention to the “best systems” as opposed to the “was- lucky-this-past-week” systems. A one week performance really means nothing. A whole year statistic is not all and everything but MUCH better than the 1 week statistic.



agreed. This site is about solidly analyzing systems. Focusing on longterm performance, which is 100X more useful than "Something "of the week" which smacks of hype.

Or at least the best performer the past 30 days or past quarter. 1 week is too short.

Ideally, the user could pick whatever timeframe he wanted (or leave it at the default), then he would see it next time he logged in. That would be pretty cool.

It certainly would. That would also help C2 traffic to gain a better perspective on their expectations - - with much risk comes much reward and only time can tell if a vendor has a successful method to not blow up!
