GOAL here is to Recommend Books for New Traders, Investors or Leaderboards from a Leaderboard-Investor-Day Trader with a Hard Road and Happy End!

My Long Trading Road in a Short Trading Story!

Hello just to introduce myself, Im from Puerto Rico, lived 4 years in Guadalajara, Mexico while studying medicine, I graduated medical school, got my M.D. and move to San Antonio, Texas where I lived 1 year while I was doing my medical pre-internship, and now Im back in Puerto Rico. I started learning about trading the autumn of 2015, and I think is very important for traders that are starting to get the correct knowledge, but most important the psychological skills to succeed in the stock and futures market. Its been a long road of laughs, tears, frustration, impotence, euphoria, happinness, hope, dreams, and now after almost 4 years, I can say that Im starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I remember first time I knew about stocks I was a 20 year old young girl. Im 30 now. I didnt even knew what a stock meaned. My brother gave me a book on Warren Buffett, at age 20, and it wasnt until I was 25 that I decided to read it. Then became the big journey as autodidact of me looking in the internet where could I buy and sell stocks, it took me around 2 months to find TD Ameritrade, something so easy to know but so hard at that time, even more when I was doing all my research alone in a very unknown world for me. Then I went to medical school, and in the summer vacations of med school I used to read and learn about trading. From stocks I changed to futures, then learned options trading and went back to futures, I specialized in Crude Oil Futures Only. Remember you need to choose a niche you like the most, dont just trade everything, trade what u like the most and become an expert on it. I invested money only to lose it, because I didnt had the necessary skills, the patience and practice. Now after this years and after so many books readed, I want to help people achieve their dream and their economic independence. Its not easy, but its not impossible either. If I can do it you can too! Just know that is like a roller coaster at the beginning, and only after you practice and practice youll start seeing the results, and please dont make the same mistake I made, that only after 3 years I changed it, please start learning from the very beginning to use STOP LOSSES, not mental ones, but the automatic ones, believe me, even if you get stop out, with the practice youll learn how to put the stop loss without getting stop out. You can email me for any doubts to: marie9735@gmail.com
and my strategy name is Crude Oil Day Trading in the futures list on The Grid.

And now lets get to what I create this forum for:

Post links, reccomend books, pdfs, and things that will help new traders in this exciting new world.

First book I reccomend is: The Disciplined Trader by Mark Douglas
You can buy it on amazon.

It will teach you the discipline and psychological skills that are so important in trading. Remember this is not gambling, this a job, a real one with unlimited profit potential. The sky is your limit!!!

“You need to love trading, dont do it for the money, do it for the passion, and youll succeed”

Have a great day!!!

Hi Marie, like you, my first book was a value investing book like Buffett. “The Intelligent Investor” By: Benjamin Graham. A few books i have enjoyed was Mark Douglases book on trading psychology. +

The Industries of the Future by: Alex Ross
How to Make Money in Stocks: William O’Neil
How To Trade In Stocks: Jesse Livermore
How I Made $2 Million in the Stock Market: Nicolas Darvas
Fragile By Design: Charles Calomiris
The Only Game in Town: Mohamed El-Erian
The Daily Trading Coach: Brett Steenbarger

Recently Read: Big Mistakes: Michael Batnick

Hope this helps anyone looking to get into Trading/Investing. It’s best to learn from the people who were the most successful so you can go to a Level 2 type thinking standard in the market. Risk is the most important thing you can possibly control, and that is dictated by PRICE ACTION on a technical analysis chart after the buy/short.