From a newbe: I just started entering my system name, description, etc… Where do I enter it’s historic signals to show how it has done in the past? If I just enter new signals as they occure then it will take years to generate a chart of performance.
Is there any way to enter my system into C2 and have C2 generate the past performance graphs? Maybe I’m missing something.
That’s the whole idea behind C2 - it shows only performance going forward. You can’t add trades that happened in the past - otherwise everyone’s system would look great.
Real time tracking is very tough, but it exposes systems to the light of day.
Welcome to C2.
people on C2 are focused about what it does LIVE - this is called "audited trades. Past history means squat to most experienced traders, because there is no evidence the vendor is not lying.
Most people who pay to list a system on C2, do so because they think it works. Then, C2 history proves that maybe 1% of their systems actually DO work.
Unfortunately, newer traders do not often grasp this fact.