How many subscribers?

I believe that if C2 were proud of the number of paying subscribers, either in toto or by trading system, they would advertise it. To give you a data-point for use in inferring that number, I began a 3-month subscription to the TradeBullet auto-trading program about 2 weeks ago, and observed that the number of prior customers using PayPal (the only method currently advertised) to pay for the service was 22.

I totally agree with you Allan. If the figures were impressive the administrators would be blowing their trumpets.

With money managers, YOU control how much capital the system trades

I would take issue with the above statement.

What freedom guarantees is that, if a man does choose to think, he can act accordingly. No one has the power to neutralize the mind; no one can force on another his ideas, his values, or his errors.

A free market, is a corollary of a free mind. The point here is the converse: a free mind is a corollary of a free market. Every other social system clashes with every essential aspect of the mind’s function.

The virtue of independence consists in a man’s primary orientation to reality, not to other men. In fundamental terms, the independent man is as alone in society as on a desert island. Such a mode of life demands freedom. In order to be alone in the requisite sense, a man must be left alone.

A man yoked by law to the decisions of others, any others, whether his family, his race, his nation, or the entire world, must place people first in his mental hierarchy, above reason and reality. He must devote himself to imitating, cajoling, obeying (or forcing) the others in power, whatever they believe. By the nature of the system, those others are his means of survival: directly or indirectly, they control his intellectual tool, the means of cognition, and his material tools, the means of production.

Under any variant of statism, confirmity to the man-made replaces confirmity to the metaphysically given; because now the man-made, right or wrong, sets the terms of behavior. The rulers demand obedience at the point of a gun. Dissenters face expulsion, fine, imprisonment, or worse (death).

Degrees are irrelevant here. From the moment of a free society’s first conscious breach of individual rights, the principle of independence has been dropped in favor of the principle of social confirmity. The arena open to independence, therefore, starts to shrink and goes on shrinking (barring a fundamental change in philosophy). Either independence, like every other virtue, is upheld as an absolute or not at all. The only system that can uphold it as an absolute is one that respects freedom as an absolute. Intellectually, independence requires that one form one’s own judgments. Materially, independence requires that one support himself by the work of his own mind.

Pal: may I gently suggest that we ought to stick with Collective2-related and trading-system related issues here? Perhaps philosophical musings are best placed within your own C2 forum, where they can be enjoyed by those who are most anxious to read them. - MK

Thanks. I will do as you suggested.


Three thing you should consider when mining PayPal data:

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Paypal only tracks verified members and it seems they are a minority.

</ br>Those who pay by credit card do not need a PayPal account.

</ br>PayPal accounts can be changed and the number resets to zero.

</ br>
