How to avoid simulated margin call?

My system is based on large number (more than 100) of BTO orders at limit price. Orders are sent before market open. Each order is about $1000.

I have set the option "Automatically cancel opening orders when buying power drops below $1000" on my system page.

If I have Buy Power about $2000 or so, I am supposing, that after the first BTO order is filled, Collective2 will cancel the other orders.

But what happened to me (3 times already): If market opens low, I have no response from Collective2 for 20 - 25 minutes. After this pause C2 responses to my refresh screen attempts and I realize, that Collective2 opened about 10 orders! Most of orders are opened at 9:30 hours, some of them later. And then I receive a simulated margin call.

Can somebody advise me, how to avoid this situation? Thanks.

I have set the option “Automatically cancel opening orders when buying power drops below $1000” on my system page.

It’s really nice feature of C2 and I use it from the beginning of implementation. However, because C2 doesn’t monitor your positions in real time it has time lag by triggering cancellation of BTO orders. How to avoid it?

1. Best way is autotraders in your subscribers. In the case opening/closing a position recognized by C2 immediately.

2. Monitor your orders status in real time (your broker account) and start canceling BTO orders when you reach balance threshold in reality.

3. Notify your subscribers how many positions you’re going to open. I use it when I think that opening might be very volatile and I might not be able to cancel all BTO orders in time. of course in the case your C2’s stats will be damaged, however your subscribers won’t participate in the damage :wink:

Hope it helps,
