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before you consider trading. Most people who trade lose money.
When people look at my strategy, there should be a “discussion” tab
if you click that tab, there should be a running public discussion similar to the one you might find under a facebook post. messages from other users, and from the strategy manager - with the possibility to add likes and dislikes, to comment and link in videos, graphics and links.
Here’s the coolest part… When the strategy manager do a post, the time of the post could be shown in the performance chart with a symbol at that exact time - and perhaps clicking the symbol would show the post somehow.
So if a strategy is coming down hard, on the chart, you can see that the manager wrote something at that time, and you can read what was communicated…
So… two wishes
a discussion thread like mini-forum at each strategy - with the system owner as admin and moderator obviously
markings on the strategy performance graph of when the system owner posted to the strategy forum
There is this broadcast thing now - but it is only for subscribers, i think it would be very useful to have a more open discussion forum from the strategy that everyone could look over.
This is a great idea. As a strategy manager I would like this very much. This would be a great place to have a dialogue with subscibers. I often get asked the same question by subscribers. This way the answer would be available for all. It would also be great to have a history of the strategy manager’s thoughts, both when things go well and when they don’t.
Don’t know if this is something C2 is even considering, but that would be a great idea. The only thing right now is the Reviews section, and most people don’t even put their full analysis of the strategy in there.