Better communication with subscribers and interested people

As a trade manager, I miss a better communication function here on C2. It is possible to write emails to subscribers or simulations. There is also the community social function. But I would like even more features.

This is what I imagine:
There is a new tab on every system page e.g. “Communication”:

On this tab, the trade manager can write posts similar to a blog.
The trade manager can control the visibility of each entry. There are 3 options to choose from:

  1. Subscribers
  2. Simulation
  3. All

In addition, the trade manager can decide this post is an informational post. An informational post means that no one other than the Trade Manager is allowed to comment on this post.
The trade manager can also create a discussion post and then decide whether subscribers, simulations or everyone can comment on this post.

Email notifications to subscribers and simulations can also be set for every information or discussion post.

Another very useful function:
The trade manager can make posts that he has only released to subscribers available to everyone a few days later. This means that future subscribers would see what information the trade manager has made available at what time, without the rrade manager making this information available to everyone live. Additionally, an interested person can compare the date of the post with the date in the track record to see how the system was performing when the information was announced.

@Trade Manager: Would you also like and use these features?
@Investor: Are you interested in further information or are you only interested in results?

@C2: If there is positive feedback about these features, would implementation be possible?

Greets Fabian