Is there a way to quick search TOS systems

Yes, we absolutely intend to add TOS integration (that is, to display whether a system is TOS or not) to many places in the site, including the Grid. But right now, the program is just starting up, and so it will be of very limited value until we get a critical mass of participating systems. But I hope this will happen soon. - Matthew

Yes, we absolutely intend to add TOS integration (that is, to display whether a system is TOS or not) to many places in the site, including the Grid. But right now, the program is just starting up, and so it will be of very limited value until we get a critical mass of participating systems. But I hope this will happen soon. - Matthew

Matthew, Are you going to be adding Options xpress to the TOS with futures? Also, how about autotrading forex with options xpress? anytime soon?

For the uneducated, what is "TOS"? Thanks.

Hello Farley,

It stands for Trades Own System. It’s a program to encourage C2 system developers to autotrade their own systems in real brokerage accounts.

If you’re interested to know more, see -


Thank you, Alen.