Merry Christmas and an happy New Year!

Dear Customer ,

With the end of 2013 in sight - and with the new year coming - I 'd like to look back on all the events of a turbulent year for many. I also would like to look ahead to what the year 2014 will bring.

Looking back, all in all 2013 is an exciting and successful year. Dealing with the Equity-system Henstrade has led to close the books with a net profit of 72 % finishing the year 2013. Since its start in 2009 every year ended with a net profit. The resultant - managed futures system Exclusive Signals - follows the same positive trend. Again, be pleased to close the year with a net profit of 64.7 %. Recently I started CFD’s causing the favorable results to become accessible to a wider audience.

Looking ahead, I have for the year 2014 several objectives in mind. First, I would like to further continue perfecting the systems which produce a continuing growth in the results, but also to further minimize the risks. Given the rapid changes of the last few years I hope to continue to develop existing systems through continuous trend analysis. In addition, an innovative contribution to system development in general.

I am grateful for the rapid growth in the number of new customers that have made ​​a start with confidence with one of, or both systems. In addition, I would also like to thank our longer time customers for their confidence in dealing with the systems. I’d like to express the wish to continue the pleasant contact with You in the new year. I also hope that You can reap the benefits of continuing the favorable results in the new year

I want to wish You Merry Christmas and a successful, healthy and happy New Year.

Sincerely ,

Henry van Ginkel

Kudos and nice work! Have a great Christmas and a profitable 2014.