Most popular system


What is the algorithm for the Hot lists most popular systems?

I see different systems appearing every time I click on the link.

Thanks for pointing this out! When I optimized the database (in the weeks leading to the server upgrade) I introduced a very subtle (i.e. stupid) bug into that “Most Popular System Hot List” which essentially, um, randomized the selection. I know what you’re thinking: “Very impressive, Matthew.” Yes, indeed.

Anyway, I have fixed this. Now the results of the “Most Popular” system list are no longer randomized. To answer your specific question, basically the algorithm counts how many times each system has been “viewed” by people unaffiliated with the system itself. And then the system filters inactive systems, or downright losers. Finally, the study period is approximately 45 days. So a relatively new system is thus able to make it onto the list.
