Quite a few new features have been added recently. Some are small “fit-and-finish” improvements I won’t bother mentioning.
The more substantial features include:
Slice-and-dice the “Best Systems.” Click on the Best Systems link in the left menu bar (or click any of the sub-categories like “Stock,” “Forex”, “Futures”). You’ll see that you’ll be able to quickly flip through trading styles by pressing on one of the graphical tabs at the top of the search. The idea here is to highlight “slower” (less-frequently traded) systems, which don’t get as much attention here on C2. Personally, I’m a big fan of slower systems, and recommend that you check some of them out.
Trading System Reviews by Subscribers. Anyone who has been a subscriber to a trading system for five days or more can write a review of the system. These reviews appear on the Trading System Details page. (You can also rate the reviews to make sure that really dumb reviews don’t get read as frequently as interesting reviews.) A few points here: I know it’s kind of silly to highlight Trading System Reviews when no one has written any yet. So, please – if the system asks you to write a review, write one. (Just go to the Trading System details page. If you subscribed to the system for any length of time, it will beg you to write a review. It takes a second, and is a valuable service to the C2 community.)
Finally, I know that reviews are open to abuse. If you are a system developer, don’t review your own system by writing effusive praise. I have mysterious methods which I will not describe here, but which will allow me to find out who does this. (Suffice it to say that, if you are caught, you will feel really, really silly.)
As always, exciting new features mean exciting new bugs. Let me know if you see any.
Slow down programmer. Too much is not a good thing.
First of all…How come my system doesnt show up on any list anymore? Has high sharpe ratio…medium realism, good return…etc.
And a review? yikes…
Also… I am getting scamster who subscribe and then wait til billing and dont pay by changing their credit card details or ???
You gotta fix this. As I can litterally sign up to any system and then wait til just before i get charged and decline the transaction.
Not to brilliant there Mathew.
Lets just work on the basics before you get all to fancy with your coding. Too much is not a good thing.
KISS…keep it simple S----
I don’t think five days is a long enough period for a subscriber to evaluate a trading system and be able to constructively write a review for such a system. I believe a subscriber should have to have first used the system at least 30 day past the FREE evaluation period of a trading system before being able to write a review. This will keep people from subscribing to systems that offer FREE evaluation periods just for the purpose of writing bad reviews and then unsubscribing. The system developers need to be protected here!
Well, he has not answered yet, but I would venture a guess that ‘subscriber for 5 days’ would/should mean a paid subscriber and not someone who is trialing the system for free…
KISS? hmmm…
There is a simple way to make money from others.
1. Buy a gun (investment)
2. Find a person, who has a money (scan)
3. Show the person your gun (trade)
4. Politely ask to give you all the person money (close a trade)
All other ways are too complicated lol
(More seriously)
Any addition of whistles and bells for subscribers are welcome. Even if it’s cause some troubles for system vendors. And a reason is pretty simple. R:R for system vendor and a subscriber aren’t equal. A subscriber risks his/her hard-earned cash, a system developer risks $100 with no obligations to a subscriber. Be my guest with the R:R.
My sympathy is totally on side of subscribers
I’d like to add to the list two improvements of the site that I enjoy.
1. Max DD. (It’s funny to see DD with more than 100%. Wiped out in real life)
2. Possibilities to dig in to any trade. (IMHO It’s really helpful)
I’m totally agree. Only subscribers, that paid for signals, have right to vote. It’s pretty simple.
1. If somebody decided to pay for a signal it could show that the person makes a home work. Somehow the person was convinced to pay for it. So the person has a full right to make a comment.
2. If C2’ll accept paid subscribers reviews it’ll simplify an issue with anonymity/fake/pumping a system and so on, because billing information is available in C2. It’s really simplify weigh of any comments
3. No comments from free riders and fakers lol
I like Matthew’s improvements. Although you are correct, 5 days is a bit light for writing a review! Also, the subscription should be a PAID subscription, before the right to review is granted.
However, I would like to note an observation of mine. Aside from leasing signals on C2, I also run a managed account service catering to individual and hedge fund clients. While I have yet to have a subscriber actually PAY for the signals, I have had many sign up for a few weeks and then dump before paying. But here’s the interesting thing - I always get a flurry of enquiries and subscriptions each time one of my systems shows up in the Hot Hands or near the top of a given category’s search results. This is intuitive and obvious - however, what is disconcerting is that there are many times when, objectively, my system is a better one and a lesser system is placed ahead of it (especially in Hot Hands) simply because it has had a larger dollar gain in the given period. This includes “flash in the pan” systems that seem to disappear never to return, as well as systems who go through 100% + drawdowns, and then show up in Hot Hands when they recover to break even! As has been discussed in many forums here, many of these systems have completely untradable characteristics, such as risking 50+% of the account per trade, etc. I think it might be a worthwhile adjustment to make, if Hot Hands were evaluated not on dollar gain with a period, but rather on percentage gain for the period divided by average risk per trade. In that way, a system that makes say 100% over a period and risks only 5% of capital (an R:R value of 20) will look a lot better than a system that makes 300% while risking 50% on average (an R:R of 6). This is actually a better assessment tool than Max DD, because you can intuitively apply Monte Carlo theory to this. With the former system, you know your risk of ruin is 20 straight stop losses, while with the latter, your risk of ruin is 2. I don’t know about you, but even if the system has 500 trades history with an average of 90% profitable, it is only a matter of time before those 2 stops in a row wipe you out.
Also, raw dollar measure for Hot Hands is obviously biased towards systems that are trading larger accounts, whereas percentage based levels the playing field. Dave’s Option system is up around 600k now, for him and 15% gain is like a 100% gain for someone just starting out (in terms of his placement in the Hot Hands)
I completely agree with the above - very well put.
Hot Hands sends the wrong message - there is already and emphasis on highest returns (see best systems, always sorted by highest return only, viewer is not able to modify sort there).
Risking 50% and more of capital to get these large triple percent payouts is fantasy. Slow and steady wins the race.
Two very quick points:
(1) Hot Hands is sorted based on percentage gains (although actual dollar figures are displayed in the chart).
(2) I can’t prevent people from acting silly. I personally find Hot Hands a useful tool. (I AutoTrade a portfolio made up of selected Hot Hand systems, under the “winning streak” theory of investing. I trade small amounts, allocated to multiple systems.) But if someone is going to invest a lot of money in a system that only a few weeks ago lost 90% of its capital, then that person is probably insane.
I can’t screen out bad investors from the site. I can only provide a set of useful tools that might allow reasonable people to make reasoanable decisions about trading systems.
"(I AutoTrade a portfolio made up of selected Hot Hand systems, under the “winning streak” theory of investing. I trade small amounts, allocated to multiple systems.) "
Obviously You dont subscribe to these systems. Lucky you…
I would advise to advertise more…or lessen the cut u take as 30% is just way too much Mathew.
Not one subscriber yet to my system and I know think this site is just one big scam. Is it?
Yes. This is all one big scam. Good detective work. I’m busted.
"Not one subscriber yet to my system and I know think this site is just one big scam. Is it?"
With a Realism Factor of 52, meaning your system is firmly rooted in fantasy land, this more looks like your system is a scam and not this site.
52? that isnt too bad compared to the rest…with huge drawdowns.
Its because I use limit orders on options…only fools use market orders.
I like my system very much. Double my account every month.
"I like my system very much. Double my account every month. "
Why are you concerned about subscribers then? If you start now with a $10,000 acount, you will have $40 million in 12 months. Or is it maybe because you know the trades you make on here will be nearly impossible in real life? And you call C2 a scam…
i like my system very much—
Well it is true that these system are nearly impossible to trade in real life due to drawn down , however if you trade for someone else or free worry then it is theoretically possible to be agressive.
Chris, I couldn’t have said it better myself. Classic case of the pot calling the kettle black.
This was getting so funny, that again, I had to step in to make some sense, I apologize.
>52? that isnt too bad compared to the rest…with huge drawdowns.
Logically speaking, it only takes 1 (repeat after me, one) similar but better system than yours to suck away ALL your possible subscribers. If a system has similar results but it is cheaper/more followable/whatever than yours, you will get no subscribers. In this regard C2 is a cruel pool of sharks. The bests take it all…
>I like my system very much.
Than keep trading it with real money. Then you will like it even better, I promise.
>Double my account every month.
I will send you let’s say $1000 and at the end of the year I am expecting about half of the profits, or just over 2 mill. Deal???
You think- scam.
234 times your system was veiwed and rejected for some reason, figure out the reason, could it be as simple as 5 week old system, lets see if it crashes before we crash with it.
My earlier system wasnt using proper strict trades…so it was easy to do 100% in just one week. Keep compounding , etc etc.
Now…I am using a strict pattern that will keep climbing(slowly) forever.
It cant crash. Its impossible. I have backtested this system for 3 years.
I trade a real account with started value of $50k its now $108k in 5 weeks.
Dont think Its a scam. I have won 3 international stock contests and have appeared on CBS, Wall street Journal and mentioned in 2 books.
It would be nice to have some monthly income though as I have none…compeche?
Tried getting a job at a hedge fund but lack the education. Go figure.
So…My system cant crash …its impossible.