New Futures Symbols

Based on your requests, C2 now supports the following Electronic/GLOBEX futures symbols.

Please note that we strongly encourage system developers to use electronic contracts whenever possible. Doing so will help you attract more subscribers since not all futures brokers support pit-traded contracts, while all futures brokers support electronics. If you use electronic contracts, you can be sure that all your subscribers will be able to AUtoTrade your system easily. Also, electronic contracts have much more accurate price feeds, and limits and stops will be recognized much more quickly on C2. So, please use electronic contracts whenever feasible.

Here are the new contracts C2 now supports. As always, symbol help is available on the order-entry ticket, or directly at this link:

Newly-added symbols:

Mexican Peso (Globex) - @PX

Lean Hogs (Globex) - @HE

New Zealand Dollar (Globex) - @NE

Eurodollar (Globex) - @ED

Feeder Cattle (Globex) - @GF

Live Cattle (Globex) - @LE

Good luck trading!

Doing so will help you attract more subscribers since not all futures brokers support pit-traded contracts, while all futures brokers support electronics. If you use electronic contracts, you can be sure that all your subscribers will be able to AUtoTrade your system easily. Also, electronic contracts have much more accurate price feeds

MK, this is PARTIALLY true. Some electronic instruments have horrible liquidity, notably, meats. Until this changes, the pit version should be preferred.

Agreed. But I assume traders will know which electronics have poor liquidity. Even so, this issue is disappearing rapidly – in the last year alone I’ve noticed increasing volume in electronics as opposed to pits in a variety of contracts. The days of pits are numbered.

"I assume traders will know which electronics have poor liquidity"

Some will, but many C2 traders I suspect are not so . It would be lovely some day, if you could hook up exchange info directly to an instrument. Imagine being able to see market hours, recent volume, recent prices (OHLC) or charts, contract specs, etc. by clicking on the instrument and getting a popup. A lot of this stuff is free all over the web, if you can just figure out how to link them.

"The days of pits are numbered. "

quite true, and few of us will weep at the lower associated costs, stripping out the market makers and the longer available hours of trading.

MK - Here is a possible implementation that would be relatively low effort on the part of C2. For example, clicking the link for E-mini S&P 500 gives a popup to this page on the CME exchange website:

Then a user would see a page containing: emini S&P Overview, contract specs & listings, trading hours, Time & Sales, Resources, basic chart, monthly volume report, quotes, and other stuff. I think some users would find this a really nice value-add

You don't have to do this for everything - just:

-- the major forex pairs
-- the major commodities
-- and for stocks, just give a link to several widely used websites and allow them to type in the symbol (eg:,, etc.) If you could prefill the quote window with the stock symbol on C2, that would be REALLY nice and a lot of bang for the buck. Shouldn't be hard with a little programming

Ross: Interesting idea. One thing I didn’t understand in your suggestion: you wrote, "If you could prefill the quote window with the stock symbol on C2, that would be REALLY nice and a lot of bang for the buck."

What do you mean by this? What window do we pre-fill? What info do you envision appearing? Where?


Are the C2 futures symbols DX, PA and PL for electronic or floor trading?

If these are for the floor, please add the electronic symbols for those futures as well.

To my knowledge all major U.S. futures (the 35 which EXLENCE trades) have the majority of their volume through the electronic platforms with the exception of the CME meats, and CME lumber (which only trades on the floor).

Do the current pricing errors in the DX symbol come from incorrect price entries from the floor? Phantom data price spikes from the floor (which were corrected later in the day) were a big problem before electronic trading came around.



I second that, the inclusion of the electronic contract for the Dollar Index would be a welcome addition.

Those are all pit contracts. I will try to add the electronics ASAP (this is a time-consuming process and may take a few days).

Yes, the bad ticks you experienced on the DX contract were caused by someone with fat fingers keying in the wrong prices on the floor.

Me: "If you could prefill the quote window with the stock symbol on C2, that would be REALLY nice and a lot of bang for the buck."

You: "What do you mean by this? What window do we pre-fill? What info do you envision appearing? Where?"

I will show by example, using stock symbols from Tango track record: LEAP, BGC, NTRI. Using the yahoo finance site ( seemed too messy), the correct page with each (containing a lot of interesting info) is:

To generate the desired stock quote popup, just concatenate with the symbol.

So easy, a caveman can do it!!!

Ross: I still don’t understand what you’re saying. Yes, I know Yahoo offers information on tickers. What I’m asking is where do you want this information to be accessible? From which screen on C2?

As a popup when you click or hover over the Symbol column either on the past track record, or open trades.

OK. Now I understand. There are a few issues with this that I’d need to look into (legality of using content, bandwidth overhead, etc.) Thanks for the suggestion.

The electronic contract for the U.S. Dollar Index is now available on C2. The root symbol is @DX (that is, December 2007 contract is @DXZ7). This contract trades on NYBOT/ICE.

Thanks, Matthew.

I notice that there is no clock symbol to convert my existing DX position to the electronic contract. Can you please convert my existing position to the electronic contract? (This trade is currently in “no man’s land” since I tried to convert it “manually”.)

Also, I have clicked the Fix Drawdown link multiple times during the past 2 days for this DX position. I notice that the drawdown does not reset, perhaps because the underlying price data says that the DXZ7 high was 79.95 on 10/29/07. My IB historical data shows that the worst price for this position was 77.775 on 10/24/07.

I appreciate your help in resolving these recent issues with the DXZ7 trade.

Hello Matthew,

I am looking to trade the underlying “VIX” and “VXN”. What are C2’s symbols and is there a symbol directory on this website?




Currently we don’t support CBOE futures, so the underlying VIX future is not tradable. However, you can trade options on the VIX by using options on the VIX ETF. (Thus you would enter your trades as if they were stock options.) I hope to support CBOE futures in the medium term.