New: System Finder 2.0

Perhaps you’ve noticed we’re upgrading everything around here (a new Trade Entry screen! a new AutoTrade Results page!)… and now, a new System Finder.

It’s a bit of an experiment, and I welcome your feedback.

What’s cool about it:

It’s completely integrated with AutoTrade setup. (You’ll see what I mean; just click on a system). The integrated AutoTrade setup screen is pretty sweet, too; just drag a slider to change your AutoTrade scaling, and/or type in a stop-loss, and watch the recent hypothetical results change dynamically.

What’s not cool about it:

I’m not sure if it’s 100% perfect.

So, give it a try and let me know what you think, or let me know if you uncover any strange issues we haven’t found.

Finally, to system vendors who have a Featured/sponsored system in the old version 1.0 System Finder: We’ll be re-introducing sponsorship into some of the new pages we’re about to release, so please be patient. We’ll automatically extend your Featured Sponsorship status by as many days as it takes to do this.