Open positions vs equity ratio


With C2 Explorer is it possible to show the ratio of funds reserved to maintain open positions to total equity for particular system for each day? For example, for stocks it will be simply ratio of open positions cost to equity, for futures and options - ratio of required margin to equity. Not sure what it should be for forex.

If you are not looking for a TimeSeries plot, you can use the below code to get a table of the desired data.

TABLE = (from sys in C2SYSTEMS 
//         where sys.SystemId == 97468745
         select new {sys.SystemId, sys.SystemName, sys.MarginUsed, sys.OpenEquity, sys.Cash}

If you need a TimeSeries plot, it’s possible and easy for stocks systems like you pointed out. For futures systems, you will however need to maintain a list for Margins per symbol as provided here.

Feature Request to C2 - Will be great, if in the future C2Explorer would provide a Database interface for querying margin based on symbol (C2SYMBOLS).


Thank you for your answer. Actually I was looking for time series plot. Something similar to equity plotted for this ratio.