I’m not able to get option chains. I get symbol not found (for SPY, C, CSCO) anything I tried. Are Options Quotes/Orders Broken?
Okay, I think the issue is fixed. Please try again (and sorry for the problem).
I was eventually able to get quote chains on July 19th and generate my entry signals. However, today, I went to make an adjustment trade (with about 8-10 minutes left in the trading day) and experienced the same problem.
I could not get the option chain request to generate my option symbol as the chain request button just sat on ‘wait’ for several minutes.I tried three times, but with no luck.
Is this a common problem? I’m now 2-for-2 in having troubles getting options signals.
Also, from various forum postings, I surmise that spread orders are not supported (outside of issuing single leg trades). Is there any plan to implement basic 2-leg options spread orders?