is there a way to know how many paid subscribers a system have?
Hi - We recently removed the feature that showed number of subscribers. We may bring it back with some modifications, but for now it is not available.
Just make it part of the Grid. Lots of folks keep asking for this to be added as part of the system descriptions. Just add a column on the Grid for current paid subscribers.
I don’t think it is helpful by showing the number of subscribers as this would lead to a dangerous scenario of the herd syndromes. Just look at how this affected subscribers who picked the YZ income fund due to its popularity. Subscribers should make their selection decision based on C2’s massive systems performance statistics.
I agree with
Mean Reversal Trading
The information may drive a “herd mentality”, but that is a somewhat disparaging comment about the subscribers here at C2. I assume that everyone here can make up their own minds.
A system doing well will draw subscribers, but the number of subscribers does not relate to whether or not a system blows up - that is usually due to other factors like changing the system rules or a sudden market change.
Why do you want to know how many subscribers a system has?
Are you going to join a system just because it is popular?
Are you going to avoid a system just because it is not popular?
What if it is a great system for you? You are going to pass on it because it is not popular?
The info is not a useful metric for subscribers. It is not going to help keep people out of bad systems. It will keep people out of good systems, if they are not popular.
There are very few systems on C2 that have a good number of paid subscribers.
If system developers wants to put subscriber information in their system’s descriptions, they can do that.
Problem solved.
I have been an active contributing member on a popular trading website for many years and provided guidance to many traders particularly those who are new to trading. One common behavior I observed was that many new traders had a tendency to find a short-cut to profits rather than investing in the hard work of doing researches and experiments before they trade live. Providing the paid subscribers information could be dangerous to those who prefer to take a shortcut for their decisions making rather than learning to digest the systems performance data and understanding the inherent risks associated to a method before they invest their hard-earned money. Just my 2 cents. Happy trading !
May be instead of providing number of subscribers C2 may provide info of number or % of subscribers added and left, which gives some sort of an idea to new subscribers. Just my 2 cents.
It would be a useful feature to have the number if subscribers and also the number who autotrade it.
The more information available about systems the better