Popularity Score and tips of improving it

Does anyone know the Popularity Score is calculated. It would seem to me that this would a measure of how many clicks a particular system gets . But I cannot be sure? Does it count only registered users that click on the system page. Or is it a pageview count system

Does anyone have any tips on how to improve the score. I am starting to think that having a profitable system is not the only way to improve this score. I guess, you could ‘feature’ the system. Any other tips?

What you may find is that it pretty much does not matter when it comes to getting new subscribers. I wonder how many of the people coming to this site are your competition and how many are your potential customers.

To actually get lots of customers you may need to generate them outside of C2.

The fees that are charged by some top performers here are tiny nuts compared to what you would pay retail. Yet they only have a few customers. Ever wonder why?

Yes, why? I don’t understand.

SG - You are a nattering nabob of negativity.

Mathew, you tell people to bring others to the site but do not have it working properly. Also the fee percentage needs to change with higher fees being charged.