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Is it possible to receive the signals directly from Collective2? Say, if I want to write my own application that gets the signals from Collective2 and sends the orders to TWS / IB Gateway through their API?
Motivation - I want the orders to be sent in an OCA group, and in some cases I prefer to use the signals more selectively - for example, auto trade only the entries and place my own exit mechanism.
I was wondering about that myself… sometimes there are instruments that I don’t want to trade, but don’t have the choice to filter them out… for example, I want to trade EUR/USD, but not EUR/JPY…
other times, when I’m trading 50% of a certain strategy, and the trader trades 25 equity options lots 5 at a time… instead of get getting 12, I get 10 lots = Floor(5/2) * 5, so I have to go through the position management page to trade the extra 2 lots… now if we get assigned (given a short position), auto sync will make my position 1250 because it’s half of 2500 units of stock.
So allowing us to filter and be more selective is more desirable…