
After playing around with Seetu, I have several recommendations making it easier for developers to use:

  • In the strategy development tab, automatically vertically extend the coding window to the size of the window.
  • The coding window desperately needs line numbers. Showing a compile error at line #42 just doesn’t cut it. Either highlight the line which the compile failed or at least provide line numbers.
  • Documentation!!!
    • Documentation is not well organized, seems incomplete, and lacks usage examples. For example: In the functions hierarchy you have indicators, but at the same level in the hierarchy you have moving averages and other indicators. First of all, a moving average and etc… are all just a type of indicators. Second, I would think indicators wouldn’t belong in functions category. Organizational management of a programming language should contain high level categories for position management, charting, display function, indicators and system functions (string, math, date-time, etc…)

Hope this feedback helps and let me know if I can help.

thanks for your input.

Line numbers are there. (How we could overlook that…)

The coding window is “manually resizable”.
There is a small resizing handle at the bottom right corner for that.

You can drag it.

Well, documentation is THE problem.