Scatter Chart in Explorer

@BobSvan2 I would like to make a scatter chart putting in X the Share Ratio of the systems and on Y the Number of Days since live.

I found this code for scatter chart. How can I change X and Y below to have the intended result?

      X = gr.Key, // Fees
      Y = gr.Count() // Systems count


var xydata = from syst in C2SYSTEMS
where syst.MonthlyFee > 0 && syst.MonthlyFee <= 2000
group syst by syst.MonthlyFee into gr
select new XYData() {
X = gr.Key, // Fees
Y = gr.Count() // Systems count
SCATTERCHART = ScatterChart.Create(
“A number of trading systems by fees”,
“Systems count”);
TEXT = “Used [X;Y] data:”;
TABLE = xydata;


Try this code:

// How to obtain statistics + system data:
var sharpe_and_days_data = 
(from syst in C2SYSTEMS
 join statistics in C2STATS 
    on syst.SystemId equals statistics.SystemId
    where statistics.StatName == "jSharpe"  
    // try to filter out extremes:
    // where statistics.StatValueVal >= -2.0M && statistics.StatValueVal <= 2.0M 
 select new { 
     Id = syst.SystemId,
     Name = syst.SystemName,
     Days = Math.Round((DateTime.Now - syst.Started).TotalDays,0),
     Sharpe = Math.Round(statistics.StatValueVal,2)

// Prepare data for ScatterChart:
var scatter_data = from item in sharpe_and_days_data
                   select new XYData() { 
                             X = item.Sharpe, 
                             Y = (decimal)item.Days };

// Show a graph:
CHART = ScatterChart.Create(
 "Sharpe vs Number of Days since live.",


// Show data we have:
TEXT = "Used data";
TABLE = sharpe_and_days_data;

This is a result:

Apparently, it needs further cleaning.

This is a picture with this filter active (commented out in the above code):
where statistics.StatValueVal >= -2.0M && statistics.StatValueVal <= 2.0M

It seems we need another cleaning yet…