Setting Allocation - what exactly is scaling?

From my observations, C2 auto-sync feature synchronizes total position size according to the scaling. It is possible to miss the trade due to scaled size of 0 units, but finally position size will be adjusted. My broker once closed short position due to lack of stocks on the market, and C2 was trying to restore it during almost all day.

In case of averaging down it will work as following:

Model account:
buy 100 x p1, buy 50 x p2, buy50 x p3, sell 50 x p4, sell 150 x p5

1% scaling:
buy 1 x p1, buy 0 x p2, buy 1 x p3’ (auto-sync), sell 0 x p4, sell 1 x p5, sell 1 x p6 (auto-sync)

pi - price