Trending Stock free signal

I would like to show some of you stock traders my signal Trending Stock. It is a free signal and will remain free for some time. This signal is a 100% rules based signal both buying and selling of positions. Each position is 5% of account value when purchased.

I am trading this signal in my IRA as indicated by the 100% TOS badge. Since Dec20th I have fazed out ETF’s and am now trading exclusively stock. I still am holding 3 ETF’s and will continue to do so tell they signal a sell. The purchase is based on an uptrend signal combined with a favorite fundamental when I have 2 or more stock signaling a buy. The performance has improved significantly since I switched to stock.

I am especially proud of the Monte Carlo risk of ruin measurement on Collective2. That combined with a low draw down makes this signal easy to sleep with. On an extended draw down the signal discontinues buying stock and will remain free of new issues tell the S+P-500 meets a certain criteria.

If anybody has any questions I am more than happy to answer them. I have traded this signal with my real money in my IRA since Feb 22 2016. The performance in my real life account may not reflect performance going forward because in the past I was using exclusively ETF’s.

Thank You

Rick Haines

link to your system please.