The opinions expressed in these forums do not represent those of C2, and any discussion of profit/loss
is not indicative of future performance or success.
There is a substantial risk of loss in trading. You should therefore carefully consider
whether such trading is suitable for you in light of your financial condition. You should read,
understand, and consider the Risk Disclosure Statement that is provided by your broker
before you consider trading. Most people who trade lose money.
Vix Lite - A low priced alternative. $39
Price may rise but will never be more than $99
Vix Lite intends on being the first fully dedicated system on C2 that outwardly attempts to take a rather conservative approach that will mostly use the Vix. Vix Lite will be buffered utilizing fringe instruments or by implementing a more reasonable position in the Vix.
Vix Lite’s goal is to endure any environment, not just a bull market like so many other systems on C2. I believe I can easily double or triple my return but Vix Lite is built on a disciplined approach.
When you are ready, give it a try.
I’m confused then.
-Your have a $25k account.
-First trade you went long 211 shares of XIV. About $25k. 100% long. All good.
-Next day you bought another 200 shares of XIV before closing your previous trade.
So at that point you were roughly 200% invested. To me, that is leverage.
Or am I missing something?
it is possible to utilize leverage and not be in a state of leverage or eminent danger.
Truth is, although I am confident from my experience, that I can generate results much quicker with a relatively respectable DD., I decided to really slow Vix Lite down simply because I prefer making money slowly.
It’s been stated before that none of my positions are leveraged.
In, closing I guess we can agree to disagree that Vix Lite is not suited for you ladies.
Thank you and Cheers.
so far only 5 trades. You should make the system free for 6 months to build up a track record. Will be hard to get subscribers with less than a month track record.
Hey thanx for the advice but $39 is close to free. It doesn’t stop C2 from charging leaders
with no track record. Besides, I have a proprietary strategy and 1000’s of hours of research in this.
Aww, poor dog. Sounds like you’ve lost a lot of money in the market and are
Several days ago you emailed me begging for a free membership for a month, and how you can’t afford to pay for another one at this time due to some sort of hardship. Look, I apologized to you in a nice manner. I can’t do free memberships!
Ok just did my homework on Dog Zebra. Seems he’s a very bitter & unsuccessful salesman on C2. He had to hang it up due to consumer apathy. Look him up!
Hey Vix Lite, I’ll make a deal with you. If you are still around in a year with a successful system, like VixTrader, I’ll subscribe.
If not, you have to apologize to any subscribers for their losses on the forum.
I made this deal with someone else - but they since deleted all their posts and disappeared after their system crashed and burned after about 2-3 months!
Oh, and I closed my recent system after 40-50% gains in 6 months with low DD. Made some money for and from subscribers, but the trading execution was too poor here. Thanks for the interest