5 Free Strategies for 6 Months

It has been an interesting 6 months for my strategies here on C2. In that short time frame I have seen many systems start, stop, or blow up. I figure there are many out there like me that have a tough time trusting some developer, especially a 26 year old engineer without a finance background.

When I look at a system I want to have a long trial period and at least a year long track record. Since, it is a good idea to treat future subscribers how I would want to be treated, I have change my plans for the next six months. I will not be creating or removing any strategies, but all my strategies are going to be free until they have reach at least 1 year of public track record. As my subscribers know I do not send out daily updates about what I am thinking about the market or a stock, but I encourage them and you to use my email charlestines@fineering.com if you have any questions or concerns. I make no guarantees about keeping up with private messages in the forums or C2 platform.

Keep reading for a brief description of how I trade and each strategy.

I don’t use margin and all items I trade can be used in cash or IRA accounts. All 5 strategies below are managed by - no joke - google sheets and scripts that read and transmit orders to C2. Once a week I simply have to upload some data to the google sheets. Please note that when I first started C2 I created and deleted 10 strategies while trying to make sure the linking to C2 etc. was done correctly. I offer no guarantees that there will never be a problem but I have been very thorough when creating this set up and though it can run without me touching it, I do check it multiple times almost every day to make sure everything is running smoothly.

Not Your Father’s Vix: My highest risk strategy that can take up to 100% positions in short or long volatility ETFs. I never expect this strategy to blow up, but I will be the first to tell you that it is possible. That recent 90% drop in XIV could have occurred while this strategy was holding it. As I expected this strategy had me out before. Even though I expect it to always have me out before a huge crash, I don’t count on that alone. You must understand that black swan events of a truly unforeseeable nature - unlike the one that just happened - are possible. This strategy by itself does not make a full portfolio. I trade this stuff myself, but am hedged with other assets and do periodic re-balances so that a complete black swan in volatility won’t take away all my gains. You need to always be hedged with other assets or options. Many of my other strategies actually have the same volatility holdings but they are a smaller allocation of the portfolio. Don’t be a fool, hedge or use a different strategy (preferably of mine :joy:)!

DIVERSE IRA: My most diversified portfolio in which only 30% is actively managed by me. The other 70% is comprised of permanent ETFs allocations to be ready for any market environment.

COMPACT: A concentrated portfolio that has seen some changes since it started. I have increased the number of stock positions to reduce some individual stock risk. However, I have added some risk (and return ideally) by making this portfolio typically follow a 50% volatility (long short or neutral) and 50% individual stocks (long or neutral). These were rather recent additions.

ETF IRA: As the name implies this strategy holds only ETFs and can be traded in an IRA. It basically will either be in bullish, neutral, or bearish stance.

SAFETY FACTOR: This strategy has had some changes since its beginning most rather recently. This strategy will have either bullish, neutral, or bearish stance. However, everything is ETF based except at times 70% of the portfolio can be individual stocks. However, I use 15 or more individual stocks to reduce single stock risk.

As always these things can change, there are no guarantees, but I am always available via charlestines@fineering.com.