502 Bad Gateway


Occasionally this week, I have noticed that no matter what C2 page I tried to refresh/load I always got this message:

502 Bad Gateway



This happened last time today 16 June at 4:20-23 PM eastern and happened last night overnight as well.


Trendy Bendy

At 16:23 today I installed some software patches to fix a few minor things, and afterwards needed to restart the apache servers. I have done this several times today due to the upgrades I made over the weekend. Things should calm down at this point and this should become rare(er) now that things seem to have stabilized.

(This weekend’s project was an attempt to make the web servers more responsive under heavy user loads.)

It happened again now (9:52 PM). I think it would be advisable to conduct maintenance during quiet hours. Given the 24-hour nature of the FX market, for example, the reasonable maintenance window seems like Saturday night.