Abuse of Private Message function


Today I received a ‘Private Message’ from Tomm Jones which was basically an advert for his system. I consider this a despicable practice and abuse of the PM function which should be reserved for personal and private communication between vendors and their clients/prospects.

Can you please politely remind him that if he wants to advertise there are numerous legitimate ways for him to do it through this website which in turn will help generate more revenue for it’s upkeep.

Circumventing the normal channels by advertising direct or spamming selected individuals is totally unacceptable in my opinion.

Agreed. I’ll drop him a line.

Kirby Lusk has just sent a similar thing also, can we please put an end to this. If they want to advertise then they should pay for it like the rest of us, this kind of spamming or message abuse does nothing for the integrity of the site.

Totally Agree. Same Names here. Im fedup with these bloodsucker spammers