An Honest Word About "SK Small Caps"

This strategy has not yet been traded long term but I sure researched the hell out of it. If it performs only a small % as good as it has in my backtesting, I will be extremely happy.

The biggest obstacle in designing the system was liquidity. Finding small caps with explosive backtested results was relatively easy but finding stocks that could actually be traded with real money was a different story. Once that problem was solved, I knew I had something.

I could go into great detail about the results I obtained but the reality is that it doesn’t mean squat. I have started small trading it in my account but I haven’t linked it yet. Like everyone one should do in evaluating any strategy, I want to see proof.

One thing I like to see people do is trade live and compare to ongoing backtested results for the same period as it can help reveal if the backtest methodology is in sync or not with reality. Personally I would love it if you shared results like that as you go.

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I have started trading these same selections in my Etrade master account. I will start linking very soon once I get a seperate account set up.