Two questions please:
1. How long does mult2fillconfirm take? I seem to be getting the signal repeated even after I confirm it.
2. Does the API send the profit and stop targets along with the parent order?
- mult2fillconfirm ought to be recognized right away. If it doesn’t seem to be behaving the way you expect, email me detailed logs of C2 responses / your responses so I can try to figure out what is going on.
2) If the orders are created as conditional orders, then yes, they will be sent to you as conditional “children” of the entry-signal parent. Otherwise, they will not be treated as conditionals and the closing signals will not be sent until your client software acknowledges receiving and filling the opening side of the trade.
Well, after I get the order I send a signal confirmation and a fill confirmation. These are the replies:
Signal confirm received
Multiple fill confirmations (0) received for person 50789032
…but even after that the order appears again in the next latestsigs…
Charles -
What I’m looking for is the exact sequence of strings and responses sent and received – a text file log, in other words. (Just for the time period in question, of course. And, with the log, tell me the specific signal id you believe had a problem.) Email all this to me, since your log file will necessarily include passwords.
OK, I’ve slowed down the frequency of my calls to getlatestsigs a bit and it seems OK now. Thanks!