Arabica intraday only , trade inquiry

There’s a trade in the track record of this system i would like to inquire about :

Long KCK4 @ 190.00 at 17th/4 , closed at 24th/4 @ 210.90 .

1- Was this trade added by C2 staff because the developer complained about an unexecuted BTO stop ?

2- The developer has a daily Auto-close at ET 13:27 , so any open position will be closed automatically by C2 at 13:27 everyday , however this trade is showing one week holding time .

Cheers .

Hi T SH,

Yes you are right with both statements.

In my first posting where I complained about this trade I wrote:

"… the price went up straightforward to 200.60 untill the end of the trading session.

Because I have installed a time-exit at 13:27 for all positions, this missing long-position had a profit of about 10.6 points or about 3975 $."

Unfortunately only the open of this trade was corrected by C2 properly, but not the close.

Therefore this trade should be closed automatically by C2 at 13:27 the same day it was opened with a profit of about 3975 $.

Best regards,


It appears the closing time for the trade has been corrected to 13:27, which has reduced the profit for the trade, but the date of closing is still incorrect.