I tried coming back to an inactive strategy and login. I’ve been talking to C2 about the kill feature yesterday and today. I have four other strategies that still need to be killed under my login. There’s no more kill feature. It’s great for C2 and bad for subs. C2 never got any $$ from a kill but got paid for a reset. Why wouldn’t they take that option away?
If you’re a sub think about this. Would you rather a new system come to C2 with a clean record? Or would you rather see a leader’s real history with 10 killed strategies? Wouldn’t the kill feature help you? You can avoid strategies that have 10 killed strategies.
If I came back with QuantStatFutures, I was planning on showing my entire history with all 10 killed strategies. What I won’t do is pay C2 for a subscription fee and also pay to reset old strategies. Even if I had to pay to reset only 1 strategy.
Now people like me have no motivation to come back under this new rule. What are my options? Pay C2 $39 + $30/strategy to reset old strategies. Or come back under a new login and pay just $39 with a clean record. I can be Futures Pro Trader or anything else I want to call myself.
C2 is selling this as good for subs. It’s not. There are subs that will never subscribe to QuantStatFutures because I’ve killed strategies in the past. It’s not just my strategy. There are subs that will never subscribe to any strategy that has opened and killed several strategies.
From a leader’s point of view, it’s easier to come back with a new login. You pay less and you have a clean record. I wasn’t trying to hide my killed strategies. I would have come back showing all 10 of them killed. Then subs could decide with my history if they wanted to join or not.
This is not about QuantStatFutures it’s about the kill feature. C2 says they did it for subs. Hey subs what do you think? Would you like the kill feature available so you can see multiple killed strategies? Or is it better to see a new system with a clean record and no killed strategies? If it doesn’t work come back again with something new. It’s easier for a trade leader to kill a strategy versus create an entirely new login. All you do is click a button and it didn’t cost anything. When there’s $$ involved, it makes it easier for the leader to go through all the trouble of creating a new login. Save $$ and you have a clean and clear record.
Did C2 really do this for the benefit of subs? Or for more money? They say it’s for the benefit of subs because subs hated seeing killed strategies and complained about it. What do subs think? Do you hate it or is it helpful to see all those killed strategies? Or do subs like to see a clean record and not know the real history?
I’m sure this will get closed down because C2 doesn’t want subs thinking about it this way. This is not about the ticket I created with C2. It’s not even about my strategy. It’s about whether or not subs would like the kill feature. It’s a general discussion.