C2 Order Entry

Hi, I’ve been getting an error message when installing C2 Order Entry.

It keeps say access to the database file is not allowed, and I had enabled everyone to be able to access it. I have been entering my passwords correctly.

Yes, I’m still getting an error message that says that access to the database file is not allowed. I had been entering my c2 data access password and my e-mails password.

I have been unable to submit any orders with this program. I also attempted to install .net and have received numerous error messages when submitting queued orders as well.


Please send an email to support@openthinkingsystems.com with:

1. An attachment of your log file if it is available. It is usually in folder: C:\Program Files\C2 Order Entry\logs

2. A screen shot of the error.




@NQU1 Working STO 8 Limit 2366.00 0.00 Day Future

@NQU1 Working BTC 8 Limit 2200.00 0.00 GTC 63167856 Future

@NQU1 Working BTC 8 Stop 0.00 2390.00 GTC 63167856 Future

@NQU1 Canceled BTC 80 Limit 2200.00 0.00 Day Future

@NQU1 Canceled STC 80 Stop 0.00 2390.00 GTC Future

@NQU1 Working BTC 80 Limit 2200.00 0.00 GTC Future

@NQU1 Working STC 80 Stop 0.00 2390.00 GTC Future+


Goddam it.

Date/Time Category Message

7/4/2011 4:18:36 PM C2SE SendTrade: Conditional of conditional not allowed (You selected that you want to make this trade conditional upon another trade (63168034) being filled; but that

other trade is itself a conditional order. Collective2 does not support conditionals of conditionals.)

@NQU1 Working STO 8 Limit 2366.00 0.00 Day Future

@NQU1 Working BTC 8 Limit 2200.00 0.00 GTC 63167856 Future

@NQU1 Working BTC 8 Stop 0.00 2390.00 GTC 63167856 Future

@NQU1 Canceled BTC 80 Limit 2200.00 0.00 Day Future

@NQU1 Canceled STC 80 Stop 0.00 2390.00 GTC Future

@NQU1 Working BTC 80 Limit 2200.00 0.00 GTC Future

@NQU1 Working BTC 80 Stop 0.00 2390.00 GTC 63168033 Future

@NQU1 Error BTC 80 Limit 2200.00 0.00 GTC 63168058 Future

I guess when I think limit buy I do believe that’s set below the price in which it should buy to close at both trades, not STC? Dear God, what made the program do that?


The error indicates that a “Conditional of conditional not allowed”. This would suggest you were trying to create a profit target on another profit target. It’s hard to tell though without additional info. It would be best if you enable the logging in the app from the settings, then try entering the orders as you have and then send me the log file to support@openthinkingsystems.com.

