Hi there, I have some feedback from me, as a user, of the C2 Star Strategies Leaderboard.
I am a systems manager, but i use the list to keep track of the other C2Star strategies to have a good handle on how good i am, compared to the others.
This is the URL : C2Star Strategies
I was viewing as manager when I typed this - but i guess that page shows the same in either manager or investor mode (which is fine)
If i follow the url, or am already at he url, then press CTRL-F5 (refresh)
After i do that, if i click the sort symbol on the field (“all time”) - then the rows are not sorted by performance all time - but they are sorted seemingly randomly.
To get them to sort by “all” i need to first select one of the other options, then select “all” again, then press the sort symbol. After having done that, sorting is fine.
This is not good because the first time impression i got when i first visited the leaderboard list, was that sort was broken and in fact it took me several weeks of frequent visiting before i accidentially discovered that sorting works, but only after you have selected something else than “all” and then “all” afterwards.
In the c2star leaderboard list, it would be very nice to see some popularity stats for the strategy. Number of subscribers and number of autotraders for instance. automated traded amount for instance.
In the c2star leaderboard list, it would be very nice to be able to select what colums to view (and be able to select from more columns) a more dynamic view, so for instance i could remove the fee/month column and put up a column that is more informative for my own usecase. (sortino ratio for instance)