Collective 2,broker intergration

Hi,can anyone tell me how to add an independent broker to would like to set up Trader68 to auto trade using my a broker which is not among the options that collective2 offers.To reply please send a mail to faraimokina[at]

Hi Farai,

If you are interested in using Trader68 for Gen1 AutoTrading, you can probably use your existing broker. Check with Trader68 to be sure. Once you have confirmed broker eligibility with Trader68, you would sign up for Trader68 and enter your AutoTrading permissions using their software. Remember with Gen1 AutoTrading you must have the Gen1 software running (Trader68 or TradeBullet) and your computer must be on for trading to happen.

The list of brokers we show on the C2 website are the ones that support Gen3 AutoTrading.