trader68 problem

i use trader68 to autotrade my subscriptions ,but how do i add a system to autotrade with trader68?
now neurodimension stopped supporting the trader68 software

Since Trader68 is no longer supported, I encourage you to check out Gen3 AutoTrading, by C2. No software to run on your computer, awesome features, etc. etc.

Supports all C2 brokers, all instruments…

Learn more here:

i know trader68 is not supported,but i choose trader68 because it is much more cost efficient ans i still use trader68 without any problems
but if i want to add a system i do not know how ?
i will not start gen3 autotrading ,probably it will interfere with my own trading

Hi position_trader,

Isn’t there a “New System” toolbar button under the “Home” menu?


Disregard this last post. Since Trader68 is no longer an option from the C2 side, it is not possible to add a new system.


is there no gen1 trading option anymore ?

that is a shame ,if i decide to stop trading the systems i subscribe to, i cannot replace this by other systems
in time c2 forces me to trade gen3 or stop trading ,which i will probably do

TradeBullet supports gen1.