Collective2 YouTube show

I just learned about this idea for an upcoming show on the YouHose from Matt K. submit-questions-for-collective-youtube-show

I think it has potential.

When will it start?
Do you need a certain number of questions before you start the camera?
I know you asked to email questions to the Q&A email, but maybe this thread can act as a starter to point to some questions…

My first question would be about the C2 business. I don’t know if this information is already covered somewhere else, but what kind of background does Matt K have, to be able to start this business, what kind of confidence was he able to draw upon to have faith that this would work, and how did he find investors to bankroll him during the development, and how long did it take to sprout this business before it became a legitimate forward cash flow positive business?

How did you organize your thoughts, goals, and create todos, task lists, milestones of all the work you need to do, so you could work every day and feel like you were accomplishing something good toward making progress toward having an internal alpha product to demonstrate to your investors that you were not Elizabeth Holmes?

Interesting initiative.


Hi Ball -

I’m not sure yet about the upcoming frequency of the YouTube show… maybe once every few weeks to start, and then we can evaluate further.

And thanks for your good questions. I will try to answer them in the first show. I’ll post here when it’s live.

For everyone else: here is yet one more call for reader questions for the YouTube channel.

I’ll try to answer all questions, on all topics, during an upcoming YouTube show. Of course you can ask about Collective2-specific stuff. But feel free to ask about topics further afield, too, such as:

  • trading-strategy development
  • backtesting
  • trading philosophy
  • entrepreneurship
  • starting a company
  • managing all-remote firms
  • regulation and government
  • marketing
  • writing novels

… whatever.

Hopefully, this can become an entertaining semi-regular broadcast.

Submit questions here, or email to:


I know I have heard you mention how you realized you learned you were not a good trader but were good at setting up systems for copying. Not a direct quote, but I certainly want to hear about how you learned you were bad at trading if I heard that right.

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will it be broadcast live on the same youtube account, Collective2? So if we are already subscribed to that YouTube account, we will get a notification?

anyway please send an email alert 24 hours before so we can be ready to watch it live, assuming the youtube comments feed will be on, so we can interact if we need more details about what you are saying…

thank you.

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