please help me with a connection problem between the Collective2 server and the OpenECry server. I want to send the orders of "Emini eXpress" directly to my OpenECry demo account No DEMO152552.
I believe I have set up the Collective2 autotrading correctly and a phone conversation with OpenECry service advisors only showed that there are no incoming orders. The problem must lie on the Collective2 side.
It is frustrating that I am paying for the trading systems and cannot trade them due to this technical hickup. Please help and look into this.
I called OpenEcry on your behalf.
The problem was that you set up the OpenECry demo directly at OpenECry, and not through the link provided on the C2 site. This meant that OpenECry did not have your account "marked" as a C2 account.
This has now been corrected and trading should begin shortly.
As a general note to all users, if you are interested in setting up an OpenECry demo account to experiment with C2 AutoTrading, use this link to set up your demo account: