ES mean reversion swing system

Just wanted to introduce to my system here that was started recently. It trades 2 contracts on 25000 USD and is based on mean reversion principles.

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starting the second system that just day trades NQ. no overnight exposure. tight stop loss and letting winners run. expect win ratio around 40-45%. Trades 1 contract per 8000 USD.

systems are a month old now. hopefully many successful months ahead await the systems

a new closing high on NQ day trading system.

For the less adventurous, I have started the below portfolio system that trades long only on TQQQ UDOW SQQQ VXX and stocks. It will be free for now until it reaches 100 trades

new closing high on ES swing system and nq day trading.

a tough october - but good systems survive them.
new high for nq day trading system and potpourri system where as ES swing attempts to come out of drawdown.