Feature request - Compare two systems


I would be interested in comparing two systems side by side. Something like going to a car dealership website and choosing up to x number of cars to display in a side by side comparison table.


I find myself jumping back and forth to compare systems, especially when they are from the same vendor.


Gary, this feature has been aviable from day one. It is called paper and pencil. Try it, and if you have trouble using them, I will be glad to help…

I mean seriously guys, let poor Matt alone with these requests…

Although I do love it when users post a message saying I shouldn’t work to add a new feature, in this case I think Gary’s idea is pretty nifty and I’ll see what I can do.


Title of board:

"Collective2 Suggestions, Feedback, Questions "

If Matt is overwhelmed with work, surely he will call me to offer me a position as a part-time webmaster.



Since I like to be productive, helpful and I feel soooo imaginative this morning, here is what you can do beside the paper and pencil method:

1. After looking at 2 systems they are in your Recent looks folder, thus by clicking on them back and forth, you can compare them in a second. Unless you have Alzehimer, you won’t forget what you just seen a few seconds ago…

2. Open up 2 (repeat two) browser windows on your computer. Ta da!!! After sizing down the windows, you have 2 systems on your 1 screen. If you have a big enough monitor, you can compare up to 4 systems.

But hey, I don’t want to mess up anybody’s happiness, so if Matt has too much time to kill, let’s him program it. I would rather be fishing… :slight_smile:

There are many sites that offer “side by side” comparisons of products and your arguments about multiple browser windows or paper and pencil apply there as well.

The point of computers/technology is to make things easier, you can do many things manually but if the computer can do it for you easier/better/faster then what’s the big deal with making it available? Its not like MK needs to sleep or anything!

Anyway, I think its a great idea and hope MK adds it to the never-ending list of things to do.