Thanks, James.
You’re correct, but I believe IB then claims no liability on their part if security is breached and one has opted out of the code-card log-on process.
Besides, I rarely launch TWS; I most frequently (perhaps 2x per week) access the account management area.
Thanks again.
I for one hope that IB continues its policy of tight security.
Yes, it can be a pain for vendors who would like easier access and cooperation, but as an account holder I dread the thought of hackers gaining entry to IB systems via third parties.
Dear Cameron,
It is true that a trader must have a futures only account at IB. This is the only way it is eligible for Autotrading. It is important to know that permissions and capabilities for other trading instruments cannot be removed from existing IB accounts, so unless you already have a futures only account, you will be requested to open a new account.
The URL that can be found on the BulldogFX Autotrading website is the easiest way to open a new account at IB. The URL was provided by IB to ensure that your account is linked to BulldogFX from the very beginning. If you choose to open an account at IB directly, you will need to go through the steps of linking the account to BulldogFX after your account has been opened.
You must indicate only futures in the appropriate section of the application. Only check off the box for futures. Do not check off the boxes for stock, options, or any other type of trading instrument.
Further questions can be posted here or sent directly to admin at bulldogfx dot com.
- Melissa
If I understand it correctly, Melissa did this to avoid her email address being swept up by myriad spam generators – the ones that troll the Internet gathering email addresses. I hope everything gets solved for you. Auto-trading at IB has been working reasonably well for me for several months now.
I tried several time to send email to the ADMIN and SUPPORT of bulldoxfx yesterday but failed. Is there anything wrong with these two email address?
How about trying their "Contact Us" page?
Dear Traders,
I apologize for the issues you may have had with trying to contact me at BulldogFX over the past day or two. We moved our email to a new server which caused a temporary disruption. Everything should be back to normal in a few hours. is the correct email address.
Like Jack mentioned, you can always use the Contact Us page located on the BulldogFX Autotrading website to reach me as well as sending a directly email.
I will be reaching out to those of you asking specific questions in just a little bit.
Thank you for your patience!
- Melissa