Hiding open positions from non subscribers

is there a way to prevent non subscribers from being able to see the system’s current open positions? if not, i would like to request the feature. my reasoning: if the non-subscriber can see the system’s open position, and if the system retains the position for some time period, the sub will eventually be motivated to unsubscribe, or not even subscribe in the first place, yet benefit from the system trade signals by viewing the current open positions.

Non-subscribers can not see open positions. That functionality is already standard on the site, and has been since we started C2 :slight_smile:

In addition, there is a feature (optional) which lets you delay the reporting of closed trades to non-subscribers, by up to 7 days. This is configurable on the Edit System Settings screen (press blue ADMIN button above chart to reach this choice).

thanks for the quick response.

how are you defining "subscribers"?

1. someone who has decided to actively subscribe to my particular system

2. someone with a user name and password to search collective2.com

A subscriber is:

(1) someone who has decided to actively subscribe to my particular system

thank you for the assistance