How to qualify for the Leader board

How old does a strategy need to be to qualify for the Leader Board?

Looks like most are at least 1 year old unless results are exceptional.

According to this Leaderboard (as of today, Dec 21) your strategy can be listed even if it is 3 week old (21 days):

More info here :

That may be for the IRA compatible strategies.

However, the Old Timers list is minimum 3 years with an annualized return better than the S&P 500. The overall Leaderboard list seems to be at least one year.

My strategy, ETF Timer, is on all three Leaderboard lists (shameless self promotion! LOL)


Yes, but even a “young” system (less than a month old) can be listed on the Leaderboard, depending on its overall performance, no need to wait for years, that’s all I am saying.