I believe the stock price for OCLR is incorrect in C2. OCLR had a 5x1 reverse stock split on Thursday, OCLR is temporarily trading under OCLRD
Current price for OCLRD: 15.45
C2 price for OCLR: 1.59 (OCLR is not valid)
Please advise how I can submit a transaction in C2 for this symbol.
Perhaps the symbol name should change in my open positions from OCLR to OCLRD and then the appropriate split adjustments. I do see that OCLRD is in C2. At this time OCLR is not valid.
OCLR has been changed toi OCLRD in my portfolio but the pricing still seems incorrect. Yahoo shows the closing price at 15.68 where C2 shows the price at 12.65, a 20% difference.
Further, this price problem incorrectly affected the April performance ("Monthly results") and I do not know at what price to set the limit on a parked order.
Please advise!
If you hold your mouse over the little quote "bubble" near the 12.65 price, you will see that that is the marked-to-market price, based on the closed portion of your multi-legged trade, plus the actual current price of the remaining-open position (which is indeed 15.68). Thus everything is correct.
You can also see this by "unfolding" the multi-legged trade to see the detailed components that it consists of.
Hello Matthew,
Thank you for your quick repsonse.
I’m sorry for my confusion, you are correct. The price in the trade window does in fact show the correct price of 15.68. Thank you again for your help.
Matthew, I tried to close out my position in OCLRD and C2 does not allow it. In fact the message states that I do not have a position in OCLRD. I started the trasaction by using the close button in the trade window.
Perhaps the problem is due to the reverse stock split
Yes, that reverse split did cause a problem. I believe it is fixed, though. Try now.
The problem was fixed and I was finally able to close the position. Unfortunately, the C2 error caused a day delay in closing out that position which caused a lost over 9% that should not have occurred.
Would you respond to my inquire. A C2 error caused a large loss with OCLRD in my system. How will this be rectified?